Tomorrow is the first day of school and I have come up with some facials to make your face clear and have an awesome summer glow! Here are a couple of my favorites!
Oats and watermelon: you put oats in a bowl and take maybe two or three maybe four cut up pieces of watermelon and then crush the watermelon and stir until mixed!
Oats and banana: it is the same thing as oats and watermelon except it is banana, so you put the oats in a bowl and crush the banana and put it in the bowl and stir until mixed!
Sea Salts: this one is the easiest one and this is how you do it, you put sea salt in a bowl and put warm water in with the bowl and let it sit for five minutes!
Fruit Facial: put three or four crush oranges in a bowl, then put pieces of crushed banana in the bowl and mix, the lastly put three or four pieces of watermelon in the bowl and crush and stir until mixed!
How to apply: take a clean cloth and dip and wipe lightly on your face or use washed/clean hand to smooth product on. Leave on for fifteen to twenty minutes each and wash face and hands after each facial! Thank you so much and tell me if you want me to do more school facials! Have a great school year! Lilly